The PGF Goods and Services fees are set up as a multi-tier system. All rates are per square foot of area per month. There all two goods and service fee levels (“A” & “B”) for management of an area. There are also rates for use of the PGF potting media & supplies. A minimum use fee of $10 is charged for the quarterly billing cycle if fees for the quarter are below this rate. The goods and services fees are listed below.
“A” Level: $.42/sq ft/month (Minimum use fee per billing cycle- $10)
Use within the CAHNRS-PGF greenhouses includes the following services:
- pest management (monitor, control, and safety training)
- GH maintenance (repair or coordination)
- Collect environmental data upon request
- User assistance and/or advice as needed
- Water hoses and breakers
- Fertilizer (20-10-20 liquid, 14-14-14 osmocote)
- Use of compost waste sites
- Disposal of potential contamination materials via autoclave
- access to greenhouse equipment
“B” Level: $.16/sq ft/month (Minimum use fee per billing cycle- $10)
Areas utilized by PGF managers that perform their own pest management, and entomology greenhouses where pest management isn’t required by PGF staff (as defined by CAHNRS-PGF Manager).
All other “A” Level services apply.
Potting and Media Supply Fees
Goods & Rates
Potting Media: $.18/sq ft/month
- GH potting mix
- Bulk sand
- Amendments
- Perlite
- Vermiculite
Supplies & Rates
Supplies: $.03/sq ft/month
- Pots (from PGF defined supply list)
- Plant stakes (bamboo)
- Labels (PGF defined)
Example: If a user requested “A” level goods and services using the PGF potting soil and supplies, the following rates apply:
- “A” Level: 0.21/sq ft/month
- soil media: 0.18/sq ft/month
- supplies: 0.03/sq ft/month
- total cost: 0.42/sq ft/month