CAHNRS > Plant Growth Facilities > PGF Supplies Request Form PGF Supplies Request Form Greenhouse and Growth Chamber Supply Request Form for CAHNRS Plant Growth Facilities "*" indicates required fields Name:* Email:* Supervisor:* Department:* Greenhouse #:* Potting Media: Sunshine Mix LC1 Sunshine Mix LA4 Bulk Sand Perlite Vermiculite Peat Pellets Turface Quantity Sunshine Mix LC1* Quantity Sunshine Mix LA4* Quantity Bulk Sand* Quantity Perlite* Quantity Vermiculite* Quantity Peat Pellets* Quantity Turface* Pots: 3.5 inch square disposable 4 inch square 5.5 inch square one 6.5 inch round azalea 8 inch round azalea 10 inch round azalea 1 gallon (#1) 2 gallon (#2) 3 gallon (#3) #5 tub #7 tub D40 container with rack 4X12 inch tree pot Trays and Inserts 11X21 inch tray no holes 11X21 inch tray with holes 36 cell insert 48 cell insert 72 cell insert 128 cell reusable insert Quantity 3.5 inch square disposable*Quantity 4 inch square*Quantity 5.5 inch square one*Quantity 6.5 inch round azalea*Quantity 8 inch round azalea*Quantity 10 inch round azalea*Quantity 1 gallon (#1)*Quantity 2 gallon (#2)*Quantity 3 gallon (#3)*Quantity #5 tub*Quantity #7 tub*Quantity D40 containers*Quantity D40 racks (20 cones per rack)*Quantity 4X12 inch tree pots*Quantity 4x12 inch tree pot racks (12pots per rack)*Quantity 11X21 inch tray no holes*Quantity 11X21 inch tray with holes*Quantity 36 cell insert*Quantity 48 cell insert*Quantity 72 cell insert*Quantity 128 cell reusable insert*Fertilizer: Liquid (20-10-20) Osmocote (14-14-14) Please specify quantity of your selected fertilizer:Other: