CAHNRS > Plant Growth Facilities > Plant Growth Facilities Space Request Form Plant Growth Facilities Space Request Form Plant Growth Facilities Space Request Form (pdf) Space Request Form Greenhouse and Growth Chamber Research Space Request Form for CAHNRS Plant Growth Facilities "*" indicates required fields Researcher's name:* Email* Phone* Principal Investigator (PI)* PI approval required for space allocation.Email* Phone* Use type:* Research Thesis Teaching Is a photocopy of the signature page from the Plant Growth Facilities Operations Policy form on file?* Yes No Please read policies located on website and supply signature page to PGF staff.Max. file size: 195 MB.PGF PoliciesType of space needed: Greenhouse Growth chamber Growth room Desired start date MM slash DD slash YYYY End date MM slash DD slash YYYY Objective of experiment:*What are you hoping to accomplish?Experimental design:*What protocols are you following?Organisms to be used in experiment: Plants Insects Seed Other Plants:* Insects:* Seed:* Other:*Contamination potential: Does experiment involve any of the following:(If yes for any of the following, please describe agent and research methods for use and supply requested documents.) GMO materials Pathogens Pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) Weeds or weed seeds Other contaminant potentials Supply approved copy of BAF to PGF staff for GMO Materials*Max. file size: 195 MB.GMO Material isolation requirements:*GMO Material decontamination and/or inactivation requirements:*GMO Material training requirements:*Pathogens*List: Add RemovePathogen isolation requirements:*Pathogen decontamination and/or inactivation requirements:*Pathogen training requirements:*Pesticides*List: Add RemovePesticide labels*Supply label for products to PGF staff.Max. file size: 195 MB.Pesticide SDS*Supply SDS for products to PGF staff.Max. file size: 195 MB.Pesticide isolation requirements:*Pesticide decontamination and/or inactivation requirements:*Pesticide training requirements:*Weed seeds*List: Add RemoveWeed isolation requirements:*Weed decontamination and/or inactivation requirements:*Weeds training requirements:*Other contaminant potentials:*List: Add RemoveOther contaminant isolation requirements:*Other contaminant decontamination and/or inactivation requirements:*Other contaminant training requirements:*Square feet of growing area needed:* Special requirements:Bench, floor, etc. Environmental RequirementsDay temperature*In Celsius: Night temperature*In Celsius: Day temperature length*In hours: Multi-time or diurnal controlIf multi-time or diurnal control methods are needed within a day or period of time, please supply specific time line information.Greenhouse supplemental light:* Yes No Photoperiod:*Length of supplemental light in hours Light intensity*Light intensity in umol/sm2 Relative humidity*In % Any other specific environmental control requirements desired:Describe:Supplies NeededPGF SuppliesPots:N/A2.6L square one1 gal 3L3.5" disposable 500ml4" square 800ml2 gal 6.6LQuantity of pots* Inserts:N/A18 cell disposable36 cell disposable48 cell disposable72 cell disposable96 cell disposableQuantity of inserts* Trays:N/A11x21 trays with holes11x21 trays without holesQuantity of trays* Potting soil:N/ASS#1SS#4Amendments:N/ABulk sandPerliteVermiculitePeat pelletsLabels: N/A White 5/8" wide x 5" long Stakes:N/A2' bamboo3' bamboo4' bambooFertilizer:N/A14-14-14 Osmocote20-10-20 Liquid FeedOther supplies:Description and quantity:Pest ManagementPest Management: The PGF IPM program uses preventative, mechanical, biological, and pesticides for prevention and control of pests within the PGF facilities. All efforts are used to prevent the establishment of a pest within the PGF facilities. Once a pest is established, eradication of the pest is unlikely and best management practices for control of pest will be utilized to reduce pest threshold.PGF IPMWhat is the practical tolerance for insects and/or pathogen pests?Please be specific.Any special precautions that need to be taken when monitoring for pests?If yes, please specify.Can pesticides be used? Yes No Can systemic acting pesticides be used? Yes No Any chemicals known to be phytotoxic? Yes No Products known to be phytotoxic:*Please list. Can beneficial insects be used? Yes No Can beneficial nematodes be used? Yes No Can pathogen(s) (fungal or bacterial) be used? Yes No Explanation*"No" was selected for one or more pest management practices. Please explain why this experiment precludes the use of pesticides and/or biological pest control.Additional Information for PGF staff:Submitting this space request sends a copy to PGF staff, researcher and PI.